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BASI c ICHESS OPENINGS I•J.klt• !,-l ltl •••! ll la l 1 ! BASIC CHESS OPENINGS GABORKALLADEFENCE. This opening is becoming increasingly popular in club chess at present. This time Black attacks the White e-pawn at once. These. 700 games are short from just a few moves to less than 15 moves. This is just a sampling of some of the chess traps that have been played in the game of. CHESS OPENINGS FOR BEGINNERS. his best squar e. P—. QB3 is p layable a fair ly good m ove) as giving an other outlet toQ; other m oves of Pawns (except 2. Scotch Opening. Four Knights Game. Petroff Defence. King's Gambit. FUNDAMENTAL CHESS OPENINGS. Other 1 e4 e5 Openings. French Defence. Caro-Kann Defence. Four to six moves with minor pieces (knight, bishop). King safety (castling). A queen move that ensures connectivity of the rooks. Let us discuss these opening In Discovering Chess Openings I concentrated mainly on basic opening principles. In this new book, the focus changes to studying a range of openings and making Tactics in the chess opening knowledge of the game." Richard Reti,. Masters of the Chessboard White has checkmate in two moves. cuuuuuuuuC. In these games the computer emerged with a large opening advantage (before it even began to "think"), which put Kasparov in a hole. Chess openings are very.
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